In light of recent events, there has been a lot of attention to the institutional failures of our society. One area of particular concern to Route 961 is how substance abuse does its fair share to contribute to systemic societal failures.
Substance abuse is an equal opportunist – no matter your race, color, creed, etc. – it doesn't discriminate. If you have an honest conversation with someone who works in the criminal justice field or social welfare, these professionals will tell you substance abuse is an important reason people fail or can't get ahead. Any reputable publication will have data that shows children whose parents abuse alcohol and drugs have higher rates of abuse, poverty, and other issues. Young adults that abuse alcohol and drugs (yes, gateway drugs like nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana) will be less likely to graduate from school, gain stable employment, and be more likely to fail later in life.
Part of the conversation to improve our society should not just be focused on criminal justice and police reform but also on the many other components that fail our society. Part of correcting those problems is listening to professionals that deal with these problems daily. Route 961 was honored in May to present for the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth, and next month for the Your Choice series. These online series have professionals sharing their knowledge and expertise on topics that revolve around mainly children and young adults. However, the information is still valid for other parts of society. Attached above is the flyer for the Your Choice summer webinar series, please check it out.
There are many areas of improvement needed to make our society better. Preventing alcohol and drug abuse – especially affecting minorities and young adults – is one area where there should be unanimous agreement to prevent systemic societal failures. We here at Route 961 are honored and excited to present for these great organizations who make a difference daily.