Route 961 Course Offerings
We are looking for hosting venues in 2024
Route 961 is looking for venues to host additional courses. Host agencies/venues get free spots in the course. We ask for space for 24-30 people, projector equipment, and local advertising to help fill up the course. Please contact Nick at [email protected] for further.

Route 961 Upcoming Training
420 4 Patrol
June 3-4, 2024. 420 4 Patrol - Green Lab Edition. Two-day class hosted by the Port Washington PD. Day 1 starts with DUID-Cannabis update and overview of DUID procedures, with an emphasis on using additional tests taught in ARIDE. Day 1 ends with Green Lab practical exercise. Day 2 will cover a review of the Green Lab, cannabis update, and novel THC hemp products. Day 1 times are 1 pm - 9pm, day 2 is 8a-4pm.
Update: Due to requests, we’re accepting registration for the Green Lab on June 3rd, 2024. If you can’t make it both days, but you would still like to participate in the training for the Green Lab on June 3rd, we’re accepting registration for those who can only make Day 1.
Further details or registration questions can be sent to Nick at [email protected]
We are looking for more 420 4 Patrol hosts for our one-day class, but also with the possibility to host a two-day class with a Green Lab. Contact Nick for more at [email protected].
April 2nd - Door County DHS. This class is FULL!
We are looking for more DITEP hosts for 2024! Please contact Nick for further at [email protected]
We presented several webinars for our partners and clients during the past few years on drug trends, Novel THC, opiates and more! Stay tuned for more webinar presentations.
We are honored to receive invitations and recommendations to present at several conferences every year. This year we will be presenting at the following with more possible on the way:
02/21/2024 WI Narcotics Officer's Association - Illicit Opiates and WI Drug Trends
02/27/2024 WI Traffic Safety Officer's Association - WI Drug Trends

420 4 Patrol
As marijuana gains mainstream acceptance, the average cop on the beat more than likely hasn’t kept up with the evolution of cannabis over the past 10 years. Taught by veteran DRE instructors, 420 4 Patrol is an 8-hour class designed to get patrol officers up to speed in this dynamic legal and social environment. We will cover Novel THC (Delta 8 THC, etc), different types of cannabis and paraphernalia, roadside field sobriety testing, interviews and interdiction, cannabis impairment, the endocannabinoid system, the legal environment, and more. Cannabis popularity and acceptance will only increase, it’s imperative law enforcement learns more about cannabis before full legalization is the law of the land.
Both of our Drug Trends and 420 4 Patrol are approved DRE Recertification courses for WI Drug Recognition Experts 8 hour annual training requirement. For courses hosted at WI Technical Colleges, we've partnered with them to enter your training information into Acadis.

Non-Law Enforcement Drug Training
We've received many requests to present for local government agencies, drug coalitions, and other non-profit groups on drug trend topics. We recommend two options for non-law enforcement groups to receive drug trends training: specialized in-service training and/or DITEP.
Our specialized training is customized to fit what you want. We have done in-person and Zoom presentations on topics ranging from a general overview of drug trends, to novel THC and marijuana updates, and adolescent specific drug trends to name a few. Unfortunately due to time and cost factors, most of these requests are tough to honor for us to do a free one or two-hour presentation. Contact Nick at [email protected] for information on pricing for specialized courses.
If you want something more than a quick update or need continuing education, we recommend working with us to host a Drug Impairment Training for Educated Professionals (DITEP) class. DITEP training is to provide teachers, medical professionals, and others who work in the criminal justice and social work field with a systematic approach to recognizing and evaluating individuals who are using and impaired by drugs in order to provide early intervention. Course content includes signs and symptoms of drug impairment, current drug trends, and how to deal with individuals under the influence in an academic environment.
DITEP can be customized to fit your needs and the best part about DITEP is it's FREE! Wisconsin BOTS reimburses us for expenses, and you and attendees get free drug training. Route 961 will customize DITEP to fit what you want to learn more about in this full-day option. If you want emphasis on cannabis, vaping, meth, or whatever drug topic please let us know in advance and we will work with you to deliver this FREE class to you and your participants.
There are one and two-day training options. Route 961 hates to turn down requests, and this option is a "win-win" for everyone. To learn more about this FREE training, please email Nick at [email protected].

Drug Trends
As society’s stance toward drugs of abuse has changed, so has the landscape of Wisconsin and Midwest communities. The class will cover marijuana, common illicit drugs, novel psychedelic substances, fentanyl and synthetic opiates, GHB, CBD/THC testing, stimulants, and other emerging drug trends.
This class mixes "the book" with "the street". We break this class up with a classroom portion on current drug trends and a practical exercise in the afternoon with scenarios based on real-life examples of drug-impaired driving and drug interdiction. Our attendees told us they wish they "had that stop back" after they took Route 961's Drug Trends!
Thanks to our partners at NWTC for taking pictures of the scenarios below.

420 4 Educated Professionals
A spin-off of our popular 420 4 Patrol course for law enforcement, 420 4 Educated Professionals is for DITEP attendees or anyone who works in schools, social work, or health fields. Many attendees are familiar with or have a concept of marijuana, but we present topics most aren’t familiar with like vaping, concentrates, CBD, and more. Our EP course will cover many of the same topics as our law enforcement class, but we will spend more time on impairment and articulating reasonable suspicion.

Workplace Drug ID
We are currently developing a Workplace Drug ID course for employers and non-profits. Many employers, non-profits, and others who work in social services expressed a desire for something more to identify drug impairment because they’re certain they’re “missing something”. We’ll cover signs and symptoms of drug impairment, interviews, drug trends, scenarios and searches, documentation, and more.

Seminars, Drug Updates, and Customized Training
From drug trends, in-service training, to helping organizations identify drug use and abuse, our dedicated experts can tailor a course to meet your needs. Please contact Nick at [email protected] for more.

We teach Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) and Drug Impairment Training for Educated Professionals (DITEP) for WI BOTS.
ARIDE - developed as a "bridge" between SFST and DRE for law enforcement, ARIDE is a two day class that covers driving under the influence of drugs (DUID). A SFST review, SFST proficiency check, drug physiology, alternate field sobriety tests, seven drug categories, and polydrug use are topics covered in this class.

We also work with other training companies to collaborate on new ideas and support the work they do under the philosophy, "A rising tide lifts all boats" - when we work together everyone wins. Please check out:
Bruce Jacobs - Behavioral Analysis and Security Consultants at
Joe Keil - Operation RUSH at
Joe Hendricks - DART Safety Solutions at