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Check out our YouTube Channel for all of our posted content.  Click here to check it out!


11/15/2021 Delta 8 THC online presentation with PICADA and Madison, WI area drug prevention groups.


April 14th, 2021 Podcast with Breakwater Substance Abuse Coalition on Delta 8 THC and cannabis trends.

The Rise of CBD.  Presentation on CBD and cannabis products, hosted by Your Choice to Live.

ABC's of THC:  Delta 8 THC and common THC products.  Please visit for access.

DRE Instructors Nick Place and Joe Keil sit down with Pharmacist Dan Walters to cover basic pharmacology and drug actions in the human body.  A non-time-consuming physiology refresher.


Are you a DRE looking for a new penlight?  Avoid the time and frustration of searching for the right penlight by checking out our guide posted on our Youtube channel.


CBD: Fact or Fiction.  We did this presentation for the Alliance for WI Youth during May, 2020 on CBD/THC challenges for Law Enforcement.

Check out veteran Drug Recognition Experts Nick Place and Joe Keil's presentation of 2019 Wisconsin Drug Trends.  We give a FREE webinar on drug trends affecting Wisconsin and the Midwest.